Our Dedicated Team

Project Success relies on the energy and dedication of our CEO, program director, and 20 full-time staff. Our Project Success family is much larger, though, and includes part-time staff as well as hundreds of former instructors, community members, students, and families who have supported us over the years.

  • Kimberly David


    Kimberly David is a Vermilion County native currently residing in Edgar County. Kimberly has worked for Project Success of Vermilion County since 2000. As CEO, she has enjoyed watching Project Success grow and celebrating all the student and family success stories. Kimberly studied business administration at Indiana State University.


  • Abby Boen

    Program Director

    Abby Boen has been with Project Success since 2006. As Program Director, Abby is dedicated to offering the very best youth development programming to the children and families of Vermilion County. Her proudest accomplishment has been watching and helping Project Success grow and touch the lives of over 1,000 Vermilion County students each year.
